Sec-Tec: Securing You Through Knowledge

Formed in 1999, Sec-Tec has amassed a wealth of knowledge and experience in delivering information security services to organisations worldwide.

Enjoying massive client retention and careful, organic growth, we attribute our success to the simple but important differentiators that make us what we are:

We are a knowledge led organisation, with no split between pre and post sales operations. We genuinely build relationships with clients for the long term, and work hard to stay ahead in a rapidly evolving science.
Our work is technical, but we understand business too. We will scope every aspect of your project to meet your technical, business and compliance requirements. We will work with the business, not in isolation against it. We specialise in translating technical risk to business risk, and are just as comfortable in the boardroom as the server room.
We always aim to add value, deliver more, and differentiate ourselves from our competitors. We will work within any budgetary constraints you may have, and provide you with a truly bespoke service.
We are totally product independent, and will work with your existing technical solutions and suppliers to help you maximise benefit.
We are objective. We will provide accurate assessments of both technical and business risk, and will not justify our existence through the exaggeration of risks identified, something sadly all too common in this industry.
We put you first. You have a choice in sourcing information security expertise, and we realise that. We will be timely, responsive and proactive when required. In short, we will treat you as you would expect to be treated.

Sec-Tec hold a number of industry leading qualifications in this area, including the prestigious Tigerscheme SST allowing us to deliver PSN Health Checks in PSN environments.

Penetration Testing

Penetration testing is Sec-Tec's core business; we perform over 100 bespoke penetration testing projects every year for organisations of all sizes. Whether you are an experienced buyer or new to the field, we will explain the pros, cons, options and limitations of this field, and work with you to scope the best solution to your needs.
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Fixed Price PSN Health Checks

Organisations connected to the PSN (Public Sector Network) require regular assessment of technical information security controls in place, and guidance as to how these controls can be improved to reduce technical risk. We understand that public sector procurement can be a minefield, so we offer a range of simple fixed price PSN Health Checks, inclusive of all expenses, based on the number of external systems to be tested.
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Virtual Security Team

The Virtual Security Team (VST) allows organisations to call on Sec-Tec as needed for a wide range of services, without the headache of raising individual purchase orders. Organisations purchase a number of days up-front, whilst enjoying a sizeable discount on ad hoc day rates.
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